Chapter 3: Regional Policy Element


"The purpose of the Policy Element is to address legislative, planning, financial, and institutional issues and requirements, as well as any areas of regional consensus. The Policy Element presents guidance to decision-makers of the implications, impacts, opportunities, and foreclosed options that will result from implementation of the RTP. Moreover, the Policy Element is a resource for providing input and promoting consistency of action among state, regional and local agencies including: transit agencies, congestion management agencies, employment development departments, the California Highway Patrol, private and public groups, tribal governments, etc."

Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines, 2010, p. 93

The Policy Element is required to: 1) describe the transportation issues in the region; 2) identify and quantify regional needs expressed within both short-term (0-10 years) and long-term (10-20 years) planning horizons; and 3) maintain internal consistency with the Financial Element and fund estimates [California Government Code 65080 (b)]. The Policy Element should also describe how policies were developed, identify any significant changes in policies from previous plans, and provide the reasons for those changes.

Transportation issues and regional needs are described in Chapter 2, Needs Assessment. Policies for the Mono County RTP are based on the issues and needs identified in Chapter 2. As described in Chapter 1, Planning Process, the development and updating of the RTP includes ongoing public participation.

The focus of this Policy Element remains the same as in previous RTPs; maintaining existing streets and highways and developing additional transit and non-motorized facilities. The Policy Element should clearly convey the transportation policies of the region. As part of this Element, the discussion should: 1) relay how these policies were developed; 2) identify any significant changes in the policies from the previous plans; and 3) provide the reasons for any changes in policies from previous plans

This section contains regionally oriented transportation policies for Mono County. They are presented in the following format [as required by California Government Code 65080 (b)]:

Goals:          End results toward which effort is directed. They are expressed in general terms and are timeless.

Policies:       Direction statements that guide future decisions with specific actions.

Objectives:   Results to be achieved by an identified point in time. They are capable of being quantified and realistically attained considering probable funding and political constraints. Objectives must be linked to short-range and long-range transportation implementation goals or horizons.


The policies address the following topic areas:

Land Use Issues                                       Transit

Economic Factors                                    Parking

Resource Efficiency                                  Livable Communities

Environmental Issues                              Aviation

Operational Improvements                     Plan Consistency

Non-Motorized Transportation               Community and Industry Consensus Development



Land Use Issues

GOAL 1.        Correlate development of the transportation and circulation system with land use development.

Policy 1.A.     Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system that is consistent with the land use, housing, and circulation policies in the Mono County General Plan.

Objective 1.A.1:        Evaluate the RTP to ensure consistency with Mono County General Plan policies.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement every four years with update of RTP.

Objective 1.A.2:        Amend these policies as necessary to ensure consistency between the RTP and Mono County General Plan policies.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement every four years with update of RTP.

Policy 1.B.     Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system to provide, but not substantially exceed, the capacities needed to serve the long-range travel demand of residents and visitors.

Objective 1.B.1.       Periodically update the long-range regional travel demand by assessing changes in land use, housing and projected demographic changes, conducting travel surveys throughout the county and traffic counts on County roads, and by incorporating data from Caltrans' traffic monitoring system and traffic census program (e.g., Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes for state highways).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement every four years with update of RTP.

Objective 1.B.2.        Implement a biennial traffic counting program on County roads.

Time frame:  Continue biennial counts over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 1.B.3.        Continue to collaborate with Caltrans in its 10-year origin and destination.                                       

Time frame:  Continue every decade.

Policy 1.C.     Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system that supports the county Land Use objectives of concentrating development in community areas.

Objective 1.C.1.       Accommodate future circulation and transit demand by using existing facilities more efficiently, or improving and expanding them before building new facilities

Objective 1.C.2.       As transportation funding and maintenance dollars continues to be flat (or negative), consider providing a larger portion of discretionary funding toward maintaining and fixing current transportation infrastructure (fix it first).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review compliance every four years with update of RTP; review funding with current STIP Transportation Improvement Program cycle.

Policy 1.D.     Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system that supports the county Land Use objectives of maintaining and enhancing local economies.

Objective 1.D.1.       Avoid highway bypass of communities; instead, work to develop livable communities in those communities where the highway is Main Street while recognizing interregional concerns and functional classification constraints where they exist.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Policy 1.E.     Future land use/development projects with the potential to significantly impact the transportation system shall assess the potential impact(s) prior to project approval. Examples of potential significant impacts include:

  1. causing an increase in traffic that is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system; and/or
  2. disrupting or dividing the physical arrangement of an established community.

The analysis shall:

  1. be funded by the applicant;
  2. be prepared by a qualified person under the direction of Mono County;
  3. assess the existing traffic and circulation conditions in the general project vicinity;
  4. describe the traffic generation potential of the proposed project both on site and off site; and
  5. recommend mitigation measures to avoid or mitigate the identified impacts, both on site and off site.

Mitigation measures and associated monitoring programs shall be included in the project plans and specifications and shall be made a condition of approval for the project. Projects having significant adverse impacts on the transportation system may be approved only if a statement of overriding considerations is made through the EIR process. Traffic impact mitigation measures may include, but are not limited to, off-site operational improvements, transit improvements, or contributions to a transit fund or road improvement fund.


Policy 1.F.     Require new development, when determined to be necessary by the Public Works director and found to be consistent with application laws by County Counsel, to provide dedications for improvements such as bicycle and pedestrian paths, transit facilities, snow-storage areas, and rights of way for future public roads identified in the Circulation Element, in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66475 et seq.).

Objective 1.F.1.        Amend County Code Section 17.36.100 to conform to Policy 6. Until such time as the County Code is amended, Policy 6 shall supersede Mono County Code Section 17.36.100. The County is amending its Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 17 of the Mono County Code).

Time frame:  Within two years.

Objective 1.F.2.        Require new specific plans to contain a detailed plan, including financing arrangements, for local roadway and transit improvements (as applicable).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.


Economic Factors

GOAL 2.        Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system that is responsive to the County’s economic needs and fiscal constraints and that maintains the economic integrity of the county’s communities.

Policy 2.A.     Continue to develop and implement public/private partnerships for the development, operation, and maintenance of transportation improvements in the county.

Objective 2.A.1.        Seek partnership opportunities for the following projects:

  • Improvements to Mammoth Yosemite Airport;
  • Countywide bicycle and pedestrian trail development;
  • Pedestrian improvements in community areas;
  • Scenic Byway implementation;
  • Transportation options/improvements to Bodie State Historic Park,
  • Eastern Sierra Transit System, YARTS, and other transportation projects as applicable.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 2.B.     Maintain existing public/private partnerships and seek ways of expanding those partnerships.

Objective 2.B.1.      Maintain the partnership between the Town and Mammoth Mountain Ski Area for airport development. Seek other possible partners for that project.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 2.C.     Enhancement of the county’s tourism and outdoor recreation-based economy shall be a high priority in planning and developing transportation improvements for the county.

Objective 2.C.1         Continue to participate in the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 2.C.2.       Develop bicycle, pedestrian, parking, and transit facilities that enhance accessibility to and around community areas.

Time frame:   See policies for non-motorized facilities later in this chapter.

Policy 2.D.     Ensure that new development, and related transportation system improvements, occurs only when a funding mechanism is available for the improvements needed to achieve and maintain specified modes and levels of service.

Objective 2.D.1.       Require new development, where applicable, to fund related transportation improvements as a condition of project approval. Under Government Code Section 53077, such developer exactions shall not exceed the cost of the benefit.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Policy 2.E.     Ensure that those benefiting from transportation improvements pay for those improvements.

Objective 2.E.1.        Prioritize funding responsibility for transportation system improvements as follows:

Improvements that serve countywide traffic demand = state & federal funding improvements that serve local area demand = local funding (public & private)

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Resource Efficiency

GOAL 3.        Plan and implement a resource-efficient transportation and circulation system that supports sustainable development within the county.

Note:                This section incorporates goals and policies presented in the draft Resource Efficiency Plan developed for Mono County. Many of these policies are already being implemented by Mono County and the Town of Mammoth Lakes but are included here as well to provide a comprehensive policy statement on resource-efficient planning and development. The Resource Efficiency Plan serves as Mono County’s response to meeting state requirements for a Sustainable Communities Strategy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Policy 3.A.     Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through local land use and development decisions, and collaborate with local, state, and regional organizations to promote sustainable development.

Objective 3.A.1.        Work with the Town of Mammoth Lakes to identify and address existing and potential regional sources of GHG emissions.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 3.A.2.        Analyze impacts of development projects on safety and involve emergency responders and public safety staff early and consistently in development of growth plans.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 3.A.3.        Collaborate with the Town of Mammoth Lakes, and regional and state agencies to share land use and community design-related information.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 3.A.4.        Continue to involve a diverse group of stakeholders through the Regional Planning Advisory Committees (citizen-based) and the Collaborative Planning Team (agency-based), in planning processes to ensure County planning decisions represent community and stakeholder interests.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Goal 4.        Improve connectivity and efficiency of resident and employee transportation within the county.

Policy 4.A.     Provide for viable alternatives to travel in single-occupancy vehicles.

Objective 4.A.1.        Work with major employers to offer voluntary incentives and services that increase the use of alternative forms of transportation, particularly transit serving visitors and visitor-serving employees.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.A.2.        Provide bicycle access to transit services along transit corridors and other routes that may attract bicyclists, such as routes providing access to visitor-serving locations.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.A.3.        Develop a ridesharing program that utilizes a website and/or mobile technology to connect potential carpoolers.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.A.4.        Update and implement a countywide Bicycle Transportation Plan to guide bikeway policies and implement development standards to make bicycling safer, more convenient, and enjoyable.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.A.5.        Identify opportunities to offer bicycle-sharing programs in the community.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.A.6.        Encourage the installation of bicycle racks, showers and/or other amenities as part of new commercial and institutional development projects to promote bicycle use by new employees/residents.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 4.B.     Improve the efficiency of County fleet operations.

Objective 4.B.1.        Set fleet efficiency standards for new agency vehicles that can meet climate conditions and needs while reducing fuel use. Consider purchasing or leasing fuel efficient or alternative fuel vehicles, including zero or near-zero emission vehicles.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.B.2.        Continue utilizing technology options (e.g., digital service requests accessible by mobile devices) for field personnel to avoid extra trips back to the office.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.B.3.        Install battery systems for vehicles with onboard equipment to decrease truck idling while equipment is used.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.B.4.        When alternative fuel infrastructure (such as compressed natural gas fueling facilities and electric vehicle charging stations) is installed for County government use, ensure public access and use of agency facilities is considered in the design and operation of such facilities.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.B.5.        Provide incentives for the use of fuel-efficient, dual-fuel, or alternative-fuel vehicles in agency service contracts.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.B.6.        Continue performing appropriate vehicle maintenance or retrofits to ensure maximum cold weather performance.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 4.C.     Reduce vehicle miles traveled from employee commutes and County operations.

Objective 4.C.1.       Implement a flexible work schedule for County employees incorporating telecommuting and modified schedules, and continue to provide for videoconferencing and remote meeting attendance.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.C.2.       Offer County employees incentives to use alternatives to single-occupant auto commuting, such as parking cash-out, flexible schedules, transit incentives, bicycle facilities, bicycle-sharing programs, ridesharing services and subsidies, locker/shower facilities, and telecommuting.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.C.3.       Offer employees incentives to purchase fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicles.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.C.4.       Construct bicycle stations for employees that include bicycle storage, showers, and bicycle repair space.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.C.5.       Consolidate offices that community members often visit at the same time (such as building, planning, and environmental health permitting).

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.C.6.       Continue to utilize a crew-based maintenance plan instead of individual assignments, to create a “carpool effect” that lowers the annual miles traveled for maintenance staff.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 4.D.     Encourage the use of alternative fuels in County operations and throughout the community.

Objective 4.D.1.       Develop permitting standards for installation of electric vehicle charging stations at residential and commercial buildings.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.D.2.       Consider installation of electric vehicle charging stations at public facilities, such as at parking lots and airports, for community use.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.D.3.       Streamline the permitting process for installing home or business electric vehicle charging stations.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.D.4.       Work with electrical providers (SCE and Liberty Utilities) to develop and implement an electric vehicle charging infrastructure plan. Coordinate efforts for major routes, such as US 395, to provide alternative fueling infrastructure for the entire corridor, in compliance with state initiatives.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.D.5.       Encourage new commercial and visitor-serving projects to include electric vehicle charging stations in parking areas.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 4.E.     Improve public transportation infrastructure.

Objective 4.E.1.        Work with local transit agencies (YARTS and ESTA) to increase the number and frequency of routes, or capacity of Dial-A-Ride programs serving Mono County.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.E.2.        Continue to monitor the feasibility of a shuttle service connecting hotels, resorts, and campgrounds to locations such as Bodie, Mono Lake, and the June Mountain Ski Area through the Unmet Transit Needs process.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.E.3.        Use Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and integrated software to increase reliability and timing awareness for system riders through trip planning and location information.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 4.F.     Implement engineering and enforcement solutions to improve vehicle fuel efficiency.

Objective 4.F.1.        Support State efforts to implement and enforce limitations on idling for commercial vehicles, construction vehicles, buses and other similar vehicles.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.F.2.        Consider the use of roundabouts in lieu of signalized intersections or stop signs as a way to improve traffic flow, reduce accidents, and reduce greenhouse gases, consistent with state policies and procedures. Coordinate with Caltrans in the implementation of this objective on state highways.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 4.G.     Promote the use of off-road vehicle maintenance best practices.

Objective 4.G.1.       Improve maintenance of County off-road vehicles to reduce fuel use and reduce idling time.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.G.2.       Implement the County's on- and off-road equipment replacement plan to comply with CARB's heavy-duty vehicle Tier 4 requirements to simultaneously reduce fuel use in the County fleet, and also continue working with CARB to develop equitable compliance solutions that are more proportional to Mono County’s impact.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 4.G.3.       Provide incentives to improve maintenance of agricultural vehicles and equipment to reduce fuel use.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.


Environmental Issues

GOAL 5.        Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system that provides access to the county’s community, economic, and recreational resources while protecting and enhancing its environmental resources.

Policy 5.A.     Transportation system improvements shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the natural environment.

Objective 5.A.1.        Future transportation improvement projects with the potential to significantly impact environmental resources shall assess the potential impact(s) prior to project approval in compliance with Mono County General Plan policies in the Conservation/Open Space Element.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 5.A.2.        Implement policies in the county Conservation/Open Space Element pertaining to the development and implementation of programs to minimize deer and wildlife kills on roadways in the county, including clearing brush, improving signage, and enforcing speed limits.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement as highway/road projects are proposed.

Policy 5.B.    Work with applicable agencies to fully integrate environmental review and processing into the regional transportation planning process.

Objective 5.B.1.        Caltrans, the USFS, the BLM, the CDFW, the LTC, the County, the Town of Mammoth Lakes, applicable citizen planning committees and other appropriate agencies should work together to: 1) define environmental objectives; 2) design transportation projects in a manner that improves both the transportation system and the surrounding community and/or natural environment; 3) incorporate environmental mitigation measures and enhancement projects into the planning process for transportation improvements to both state and local circulation systems; and 4) seek funding for implementation of identified mitigation measures and environmental enhancement projects. Potential environmental enhancement projects are identified in Appendix C of this Plan.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement as transportation improvements projects are proposed and developed.

GOAL 6.        Develop and enhance the transportation and circulation system in a manner that protects the county’s natural and scenic resources and that maximizes opportunities for viewing those resources.

Policy 6.A.     Develop and maintain roads and highways in a manner that protects natural and scenic resources.

Objective 6.A.1.        Locate roads so that topography and vegetation screen them. When feasible, use existing roads for new development. Minimize cut-and-fill activities for roadway construction, especially in scenic areas and along hill slopes. Minimize stream crossings in new road construction.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement during project design and construction.

Objective 6.A.2.        Implement BMPs for road maintenance to minimize impacts to sensitive habitats, such as sage grouse.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement during project design and construction.

Policy 6.B.     Maintain State and Local scenic highway and byway designations and provide opportunities to enhance/interpret natural and scenic resources along those routes.

Objective 6.B.1.        Pursue funding for additional improvements (turnouts, interpretive areas) along US 395.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 6.B.2.      Visually enhance/screen or relocate County and Caltrans maintenance yards along US 395 to less visually sensitive areas.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 6.C.     Designate additional Federal, State, and Local scenic highways and byways within the county.

Objective 6.C.1.      Work with appropriate agencies and organizations to support the designation of additional scenic highways and byways in the county.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 6.C.2.       Support recommendations in the BLM's Bishop Area Resource Management Plan for the designation of the following scenic and backcountry byways[12]:

Scenic Byways:                                   Backcountry Byway:

Geiger Grade (north from Bodie)      Bodie to Aurora Road

Bodie Road

SR 89 (Monitor Pass)

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 6.D.     Incorporate public art into both non-motorized and motorized transportation facilities and projects to enhance user enjoyment and visual appeal.

Objective 6.D.1.       Work with the Mono County Arts Council or other agencies to acquire funding for public art projects as part of related transportation improvement projects.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 6.D.2.       Where feasible, use public art elements such as natural rock sculptures or designed low-profile screening to enhance corridor scenic qualities and mitigate potential visual impacts.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

GOAL 7.        Provide for the development of a transportation and circulation system that preserves air quality in the county.

Policy 7.A.     Implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures to reduce the amount of investment required in new or expanded facilities, reduce auto emissions, and increase the energy efficiency of the transportation system. Share responsibility for implementation of TDM actions with the Town, Caltrans and the private sector, including developers of new projects and existing employers.

Objective 7.A.1.       Develop a TDM program for the County offices.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 7.A.2.        Encourage TDM and traffic mitigation measures that divert automobile commute trips to transit whenever it is reasonably convenient. Encourage the following private sector and local agency programs:

  1. Programs for new projects may include: site design for transit access, bus turnouts and passenger shelters, secure bicycle parking, street layouts and geometrics which accommodate buses and bicycles, land dedication for transit;
  2. Employer programs to encourage transit use to existing job centers may include: transit information centers, transit ticket subsidies for employees, private transit services;
  3. Local government programs may include: site design for transit access, bus turnouts and passenger shelters, park-and-ride lots; and
  4. Advanced technology applications that assist in reducing trip generation and/or provide traveler information to enhance local traffic patterns.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 7.A.3.        Encourage TDM and traffic mitigation measures that increase the average occupancy of vehicles as follows:

  1. Employer and developer programs may include vanpools, carpools, ridesharing programs, preferential parking, and transportation coordinator positions.
  2. Local government or agency programs may include flexibility in parking requirements.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 7.A.4.        Work as a member of the Rural Counties Task Force to pursue and secure funding for local transportation and demand management projects.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 7.B.     Encourage large employers (50+ employees) to provide transit to employees and to promote carpooling among their employees.

Objective 7.B.1.       Work with existing large employers to set up and monitor employee transit programs, such as employee shuttle services and carpooling.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 7.B.2.       Require future large-space development to coordinate transportation services for employees with the provision of employee housing and, if necessary, to submit an employee transportation program as a condition of development approval.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 7.C.    Transportation plans and projects shall be consistent with the Ozone Attainment Plan for Mono County, the Air Quality Management Plan for Mammoth Lakes, the Particulate Emissions Regulations for Mammoth Lakes, the GBUAPCD's Regulation XII, Conformity to State Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects Developed, Funded or Approved Under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Act, and other applicable local, state, and federal air emissions regulations.

Objective 7.C.1.       Consult with the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District (GBUAPCD) on transportation plans and projects and on the transportation element of future development projects.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project processing/approval.

Objective 7.C.2. Work with the Town of Mammoth Lakes and the GBUAPCD, as applicable, to ensure the budget of 66,452 VMT for travel on a peak winter day in the unincorporated county within the Mammoth Air Basin is not exceeded. New development proposals must be reviewed and projected increases in peak VMT must be less than the VMT limit.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project processing/approval.

Livable Communities

GOAL 8.        Plan and implement a transportation and circulation system that provides for livable communities, while maintaining efficient traffic flow and alternative transportation modes to the automobile.

Policy 8.A.     Design or modify roadways to keep speeds low within community areas in order to provide a safe and comfortable environment through communities for all users, including bicyclists and pedestrians.

Objective 8.A.1.        Design or modify roadways to keep speeds on local streets in accordance with Mono County Code 11.12.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.A.2.        Design or modify roadways inside communities to keep speeds on arterials and collectors in accordance with Mono County Code 11.12.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.A.3.        Increase pedestrian and transit friendliness of streets by using context- sensitive design measures such as those identified in the Bridgeport Main Street Plan and as listed below. Some of these measures may not be appropriate on interregional routes.

  • Gateway entrances
  • Narrower travel lanes (10-11 feet)
  • Medians with turning pockets
  • Bike lanes
  • Provision for parking lanes (7-8 feet)
  • Roundabouts
  • Bus pullouts for regional and intra-city bus service
  • Landscaping between street and sidewalk (such as hanging flower baskets and street trees)
  • 6-12 foot wide sidewalks at right of way line
  • Textured or colored pavement materials in sidewalks and streets in selected locations
  • Curb extensions
  • Numerous crosswalks
  • Flashing lights or other warning devices
  • Pedestrian-oriented warning signs
  • Landscape treatments to help slow traffic
  • Building design and placement to give a sense of enclosure
  • Aesthetically compatible CMS/speed radar feedback/alert system to slow traffic and enforce speed limits through towns

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.A.4.      Research and, if feasible, establish a modal hierarchy for streets; for example, high-traffic arterials would be automobile focused, followed by transit, bikes, and pedestrians. Residential neighborhood streets may be prioritized for pedestrians first.

Time frame: Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 8.A.5.      Pursue changes in state legislation or other methods to provide the flexibility to set speed limits based on special local conditions and circumstances.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Policy 8.B.    Increase safety, mobility and access for pedestrians and bicyclists within community areas.

Objective 8.B.1.        Design the street system with multiple connections and direct routes.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.B.2.        Provide networks for pedestrians and bicyclists that are as safe as the network for motorists. Functional, safe and secure travel ways for pedestrians and bicyclists may include the following measures:

  • Sidewalks with ample widths
  • Curbs and gutters
  • Planter strips to separate sidewalks from the street
  • Parked cars along the street
  • Crosswalk at appropriate intervals that meet warrants and provide logical pathways
  • Raised medians with pedestrian refuges where warranted on wide streets
  • Context-sensitive lighting
  • Bus pullouts for regional and intra-city bus service
  • Bicycle lanes in town centers serving as a 5- or 6-foot buffer between the parking lane or sidewalk and the travel lane.
  • Snow removal

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.B.3.        Provide pedestrians and bicyclists with shortcuts and alternatives to travel along high-volume streets; e.g., separate trails along direct routes and new access points for walking and biking.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.B.4.        Incorporate transit-oriented design features into streetscape renovations; e.g., covered shelters, marked bus pullouts, along with ADA-compatible improvements.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Policy 8.C.     Transform communities into more attractive, functional, safe and enjoyable spaces.

Objective 8.C.1.       Utilize context-sensitive traffic-control alternatives wherever feasible. Explore alternatives to traffic signals including four-way stop signs and roundabouts.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 8.C.2.       Provide streetscape improvements; e.g., lighting (for edges, walkways, and to screen parking areas), landscaping, benches, trash receptacles.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.C.3.      Maintain public spaces; e.g., pressure wash sidewalks, remove litter, groom landscaping, repair damaged benches and trash receptacles.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.C.4.       Continue to be creative in dealing with snow plowing and storage in order not to block sidewalks, parking areas, and street access in community areas.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.C.5.       Work to improve ADA access in all communities.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.C.6.       As land uses and building changes occur, seek to provide a walkable development pattern with a mix of uses within that area. Provide design guidelines to enhance the streetscape appearance.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.C.7.       Improve parking in community areas by implementing the following measures:

  • Clearly mark on-street parking
  • Provide parking on side streets with direct and easy connections to Main Street
  • Control access to parking areas
  • Consider mixed-use designs that incorporate parking behind or below commercial or other structures
  • Improve the layout of on-site parking to minimize pedestrian conflicts and prevent backing into the roadway to exit.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Policy 8.D.     Consider and develop context-sensitive design measures for communities. Work with Caltrans to consider and develop “context-sensitive design” standards for communities along state highways including the interregional routes.

Objective 8.D.1.       Work with Caltrans to consider and develop context-sensitive design standards within developed communities on the state highway system.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.D.2.      Identify and develop demonstration projects for the implementation of context-sensitive designs and measure their success, such as has been done along Bridgeport’s Main Street.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.D.3.      Monitor the work of Caltrans, Division of New Technologies, to keep abreast of new products and features as they are approved.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 8.D.4.      Work closely with Caltrans, Mono County, the Town of Mammoth Lakes and product manufacturers to have new products developed for applications on the town, county, and state transportation system.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Operational Improvement

GOAL 9.        Provide for an improved countywide highway and roadway system to serve the long-range projected travel demand to improve safety.

Policy 9.A.     Enhance the safety of the countywide road system.

Objective 9.A.1.       Support projects on local roads that upgrade structural adequacy, consistent with Caltrans standards and county Road Standards.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 9.A.2.        Support projects outside community areas that widen existing narrow streets, highways and bridges in areas experiencing heavy truck traffic, where consistent with the policies of this plan.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 9.A.3.        Provide effective measures to increase capacity for arterial roads experiencing congested vehicle flow.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 9.A.4.        Support an efficient and effective winter snow-removal operation.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Objective 9.A.5.        Support CMS (Changeable Message Signs), HAR, and/or curve warning system (i.e., ITS) deployments where effective in reducing accidents and providing traveler information.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 10- and 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 9.A.6.      Investigate and identify where additional snow-storage areas are needed.

Time frame:  Over the 10-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 9.A.7.      Reduce transportation-related hazards such as existing flooding, which may be increased by climate change.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project.

Policy 9.B.     Reduce the potential for wildlife collisions to improve transportation system safety.  

Objective 9.B.7. Seek funding for undercrossing passageways for mule deer where highways intersect traditional migratory routes to reduce collisions and animal mortality.

Time frame: Over the 10- and 20- year time frame of this plan.

Objective 9.B.8. Seek funding to widen existing undercrossing passageways for mule deer and other wildlife to reduce collisions and animal mortality.

Time frame: Over the 10- and 20- year time frame of this plan.

Objective 9.B.9. Incorporate measures in to the design of new roads and road upgrades to reduce collisions between vehicles and deer/wildlife, such as increasing driver line-of-sight and incorporating short sections of exclusion fencing that directs animals to areas of improved visibility.

Time frame: Over the 10- and 20- year time frame of this plan.

Policy 9.C.     Ensure that the County’s multi-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) addresses long-range transportation system improvement needs.

Action 9.C.1. Use the CIP to establish improvement priorities and scheduling for transportation system improvement. Prioritize improvement needs based on the premise that maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of the existing system have first call on available funds.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this project; review every two years with update of the STIP.

Policy 9.D.     Local roads shall be engineered using system performance criteria (safety, cost, volume, speed, travel time).

Objective 9.D.1.       Require new development to comply with the county Road Improvement Standards as a condition of project approval. The Public Works Department shall work with developers to meet this objective where appropriate.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at time of project approval.

Objective 9.D.2.       Public Works will review and update county Road Standards to provide alternative design standards.

Time frame:   In the process of being completed.

Objective 9.D.3.       Require correction of potential safety deficiencies (e.g., inadequate road width, lack of traffic-control devices, intersection alignment) as a condition of project approval.

Time frame:   Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Policy 9.E.     Ensure that transportation projects comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are accessible to all persons.

Objective 9.E.1.        Integrate ADA requirements into the planning and development processes for all transportation projects.

Time frame:   Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

GOAL 10       Maintain the existing system of streets, roads and highways in good condition.

Policy 10.A. Establish maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction priorities for County roads based on financial and health and safety considerations.

Objective 10.A.1.     Work with Caltrans to program a pavement and asset management program in the OWP as maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for County roads.

Time frame:   Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review every two years, during the STIP process.

Objective 10.A.2.     Work with the county Public Works Department to develop maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction priorities for County roadways.

Time frame:   Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review every two years, during the CIP process.

Policy 10.B. Pursue all means to maximize funding for asset management and roadway maintenance.

Objective 10.B.1.     Maximize state and federal funding for roadway maintenance.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement during annual budget process.

Objective 10.B.2.     Promote full distribution of "County Minimum" appropriations.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement during annual budget process.

Objective 10.B.3.     Investigate the use of alternative funding mechanisms for roadway improvements and maintenance; e.g., mitigation fees, sales tax initiatives, redevelopment areas, assessment districts, and the use of zones of benefit.

Time frame:  Within the next 10 years, during the short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 10.B.4.     Investigate management alternatives for improving and maintaining privately owned roadways; e.g., County or special district management, community groups or association management. Require new development projects proposing private roads to establish a road maintenance entity as a condition of project approval.

Time frame:  Within the next 10 years, during the short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 10.B.5. To reduce long-term maintenance costs and protect visual resources consistent with Policy 6.A., utilize self-weathering steel or finishes when feasible in transportation projects.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

GOAL 11.      Maintain a safe and effective communication system throughout the county.

Policy 11.A.   Provide each community with adequate, reliable cell phone service in order to provide emergency phone service and to allow for trip reductions and other economic benefits resulting from increased telecommuting opportunities.

Objective 11.A.1.     Determine areas that need improved cell service through an inventory of shadow areas and coverage gaps.

Time frame:   Within the next 10 years, during the short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 11.A.2.     Apply cell-tower siting and design criteria (see Chapter 11- Utilities of the Mono County General Plan Land Use Element and the Mono County Design Guidelines).

Time frame:   Ongoing

Objective 11.A.3.     Additional policies for the unincorporated county that provide information, guidance, and recommendations as they relate to the development, implementation, and accessibility of communications infrastructure, particularly basic telephone, wireless telephone, and broadband Internet, are contained in the county General Plan Circulation Element. Land Development Regulations governing proposed projects are contained in Chapter 11 of the Land Use Element.

Active and Non-Motorized Transportation

GOAL 12.      Provide for the use of non-motorized means of transportation, which increases the proportion of trips accomplished by biking and walking, increases the safety and mobility of non-motorized users, enhances public health, and provides a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of active transportation users.

Policy 12.A.   Develop and implement multi-modal transportation plans, programs or projects for all community areas to provide for the development of well-coordinated and designed non-motorized and motorized transportation facilities.

Objective 12.A.1. Implement policies and programs in Town and County multi-modal policies, including the Mono County Trails Plan (Appendix G) and Bicycle Transportation Plan (Appendix H).  

Time frame:   Ongoing within the next five years as funding becomes available.

Objective 12.A.2. Implement recommendations for non-motorized facilities contained in the Main Street Revitalization Plan for US 395 through Bridgeport.

Time frame:   Currently being completed.

Objective 12.A.3. Implement multi-modal projects identified in the list of current programming and projects (Appendix D).

Time frame:  Ongoing within the next five years as funding becomes available.

Policy 12.B. Seek opportunities for federal, state, county, town, and private participation, when appropriate, in the construction and maintenance of non-motorized facilities.

Objective 12.B.1. Seek partnership opportunities for the following projects:

  • Countywide bicycle and pedestrian trail development
  • Pedestrian improvements in community areas
  • Transportation options to Bodie State Historic Park
  • Other non-motorized transportation projects as applicable
  • ADA compliance

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 12.C.  Leverage current funding sources to provide maximum funding opportunities for active transportation type projects .

Objective 12.C.1.     Pursue ATP and other grant funding for non-motorized transportation projects.

Time frame:   Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 12.C.2. Pursue opportunities for ATP funding and other grants for disadvantaged communities by qualifying criteria and, when possible, submitting data showing how local communities qualify as disadvantaged.

Time frame:   Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 12.D. Plan for and provide a continuous and easily accessible trail system within the region, particularly in June Lake and other community areas (see the June Lake Loop Trails Plan). When possible, use existing roads and trails to develop a trail system. Connect the trail system to commercial and recreational areas, parking facilities, residential areas, and transit services. See the Mono County General Plan Conservation/Open Space Element for additional policies relating to trails.

Objective 12.D.1. Work with appropriate agencies, organizations, and community groups to further develop the proposed Eastern Sierra Regional Trail (ESRT) for Mono County. The ESRT is currently a conceptual plan for a trail system that would increase recreational opportunities in the county as well as provide crucial linkages to and between communities that are currently not met with existing modes of transit. The conceptual plan includes both historic-route sections and community-route sections.

Time frame:  Within the next 10 years, during the short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 12.D.2. Project managers for Town, County and State projects shall regularly consult with local citizens, commissions/committees and mobility user groups such as the cycling community, Regional Planning Advisory Committees, and the town Planning and Economic Development Commission during project design to determine if bike and pedestrian facilities are appropriate or warranted.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan: review compliance during the County budget process and the biennial SHOPP, STIP and ATP process.

Objective 12.D.3.     Work with other communities in the unincorporated county on trails plan development based on level of community interest and staff capacity.

Time frame: Within the next 10 years, during the short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 12.E. Develop a safe and convenient bicycle and pedestrian circulation system as a portion of the total active transportation network.

Objective 12.E.1. Implement the Livable Communities goals and policies as previously discussed in that section (for further information see Livable Communities for Mono County Report, Draft, January 30, 2000).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 12.E.2. Develop additional Safe Routes to Schools routes under the ATP.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 12.E.3.     Require rehabilitation projects on streets and highways to consider including bicycle facilities (e.g., wider shoulders, bike lanes or bike-climbing lanes) that are safe, easily accessible, convenient to use, and that provide a continuous link between destinations.

Time frame: Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.


GOAL 13.      Assist with development and maintenance of transit systems as a component of multi-modal transportation systems in Mono County.

Policy 13.A.   Support ESTA in providing coordinated transit services in the Eastern Sierra.

Objective 13.A.1. Support implementation of prioritized strategies contained in the Inyo-Mono Counties Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Update.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review annually at the time of the “unmet transit needs” hearing.

Objective 13.A.2. Maintain and improve transit services for transit-dependent citizens in Mono County, including the continuation and improvement of social services transportation services. Ensure that transit services comply with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review annually at the time of the “unmet transit needs” hearing.

Objective 13.A.3.     Support public transit financially to the level determined 1) by the “reasonable to meet” criteria during the annual unmet transit needs hearing, and 2) by the amount of available funds.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review annually at the time of the “unmet transit needs” hearing.

Objective 13.A.4. Continuously survey transit use to determine the effectiveness of existing services and to identify possible needed changes in response to changes in land use, travel patterns, and demographics. Expand services to new areas when density is sufficient to support public transit. When and where feasible, promote provision of year-round scheduled transit services to link the communities of Mono County with recreational sites and with business and employment centers.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review annually at the time of the “unmet transit needs” hearing.

Objective 13.A.5.     Pursue all available funding for the provision of transit services and facilities, including state and federal funding and public/private partnerships.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review biennially at the time of the STIP planning process.

Objective 13.A.6. Maximize the use of existing transit services by actively promoting public transportation through mass media and other marketing strategies.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review annually at the time of the “unmet transit needs” hearing.

Objective 13.A.7.     Work with appropriate agencies to coordinate the provision of transit services in the county in order to provide convenient transfers and connections between transit services.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review annually at the time of the “unmet transit needs” hearing.

Policy 13.B. Promote the development of an inter-modal transportation system in Mono County that coordinates the design and implementation of transit systems with parking facilities, trail systems, and airport facilities.

Objective 13.B.1.     Coordinate the design and implementation of transit systems with parking facilities, trail systems, and airport facilities, including convenient transfers among transit routes and various transportation modes.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project planning and design.

Objective 13.B.2.     Encourage paratransit services in community areas. Promote efficiency and cost effectiveness in paratransit service such as use of joint maintenance and other facilities.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 13.B.3. Require major traffic generating projects to plan for and provide multiple modes of circulation/transportation. This may include fixed-transit facilities, such as bus turnouts and passenger shelters.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project planning and design.

Policy 13.C.  Pursue funding for transit-related capital improvements.

Objective 13.C.1. Continue supporting the transit replacement program that includes funding through the STIP.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 13.C.2.     Pursue funding for capital improvements such as bus shelters, transportation hubs, office space for administration, dispatch centers, vehicle- maintenance facilities, etc.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Policy 13.D.  Continue improving interregional transit services.

Objective 13.D.1. If warranted, work with transit service providers to improve the existing regional bus transit service.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Objective 13.D.2.     Support expansion of the regional air transportation system.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 13.D.3.     Continue to participate in the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan.


GOAL 14.      Provide for the parking needs of residents and visitors, particularly in community areas.

Policy 14.A.   Public parking facilities shall serve the needs of residents and visitors.

Objective 14.A.1.     Inventory parking demand, and existing parking hazards and limitations, in community areas and recreational destinations (e.g., Bodie State Historic Park, Mono Lake, etc.). Develop a prioritized list of needed public parking improvements.

Time frame:  Within the next two years.

Objective 14.A.2.     Design and operate public parking facilities in a manner that maximizes use of those facilities (e.g., joint use parking, centralized community parking for downtown commercial facilities, convenient connections to transit and pedestrian facilities) so that the overall area required for parking is minimized.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project design and approval.

Objective 14.A.3. Minimize the visual impacts of parking areas through the use of landscaping, enclosed parking, siting that screens the parking from view, or other appropriate measures.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project design and approval.

Policy 14.B. Public parking facilities shall be a component of the multi-modal transportation system within Mono County.

Objective 14.B.1. Connect parking facilities to pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities in a manner that provides convenient connections.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project design and approval.

Objective 14.B.2.     In community areas, develop public parking facilities in conjunction with the implementation of livable communities principles (see non-motorized facilities policies).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement at the time of project design and approval.

Objective 14.B.3. Develop a Park-and-Ride Master Plan for the county. Ensure that the plan addresses park-and-ride facilities that provide both for informal carpooling and for linkages with existing and future transit services. The plan should also address funding for the establishment and maintenance of park-and-ride facilities.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.


GOAL 15.      Provide for the safe, efficient, and economical operation of the existing airports in the county.

Policy 15.A.   Maintain and increase the safety at County airports.

Objective 15.A.1.     Work with the Town of Mammoth Lakes on the future development of the Mammoth Yosemite Airport to provide improvements to increase the safety and efficiency of the operation.

Time frame:  Within the 10-year short-term time frame of this plan.

Objective 15.A.2. Assess safety needs at the Lee Vining and Bridgeport airports, including annual operations and maintenance needs.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the RTP update process.

Objective 15.A.3.     Obtain available funding for operations and maintenance at County airports.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement annually.

Policy 15.B.   Maintain adequate facilities throughout the county to meet the demand of residents and visitors for passenger, cargo, agricultural and emergency aviation services.

Objective 15.B.1.     Assess the demand for passenger, cargo, agricultural and emergency aviation services at County airports.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the RTP update process.

Objective 15.B.2. Obtain available funding for capital improvements at County airports.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the STIP process.

Policy 15.C. Airports shall be a component of the multi-modal transportation system within Mono County.

Objective 15.C.1. Continue to ensure that transit services are available from the Mammoth Yosemite Airport to Mammoth Lakes, and work to expand transit services to surrounding communities (e.g., June Lake).

Time frame:  Ongoing over 20-year time frame of this plan.

Policy 15.D. Development and operations of each of the County airports shall be consistent with surrounding land uses and the surrounding natural environment.

Objective 15.D.1.     The Airport Land Use Commission shall maintain up-to-date Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) for Bryant Field (Bridgeport), Lee Vining, and Mammoth Yosemite airports to ensure land use compatibility. The CLUPs shall also be consistent with the county General Plan, the town General Plan, applicable area plans and specific plans and other local plans such as the Inyo and Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Land and Resource Management Plans, the Mono Basin Scenic Area Comprehensive Management Plan, and the BLM's Resource Management Plan.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement every four years, if necessary, in conjunction with the RTP update.


Plan Consistency

GOAL 16.      Policies and programs in the Mono County RTP shall be consistent with state and federal goals, policies, and programs pertaining to transportation systems and facilities.

Policy 16.A.  Coordinate policies and programs in the Mono County RTP with regional system performance objectives.

Objective 16.A.1.     Coordinate local transportation planning with Caltrans regional system planning for local highways.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the STIP process and at the time of the RTP update.

Policy 16.B.  Coordinate policies and programs in the Mono County RTP with statewide priorities and issues and State transportation planning documents.

Objective 16.B.1.     Coordinate local transportation planning with Caltrans systems planning for local highways.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the STIP process and at the time of the RTP update.

Objective 16.B.2. Ensure that local transportation planning is consistent with the RTIP, STIP, and FSTIP.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the STIP process and at the time of the RTP update.

Policy 16.C.  Ensure that policies and programs in the Mono County RTP are consistent with federal and state programs addressing accessibility and mobility.

Objective 16.C.1. Ensure that local transportation planning is consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; review during the STIP process and at the time of the RTP update.

Public Participation Plan

GOAL 17.      Provide for a community-based public participation process that facilitates communication among citizens and agencies within the region and ensures cooperation in the development, adoption, and implementation of regional transportation plans and programs. The desired goal is consensus regarding a systemwide approach that maximizes utilization of existing facilities and available financial resources, fosters cooperation, and minimizes duplication of effort.

Policy 17.A.   Actively foster the public outreach process in order to increase community participation in the transportation planning process.

Objective 17.A.1.     To improve efficiency and policy coordination, utilize existing community entities whenever possible for public outreach during the transportation planning process.

In the town of Mammoth Lakes, coordinate transportation planning activities with the following entities:

  • Town Council and its advisory commissions/committees; i.e.:
    • Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission;
    • Airport Advisory Committee
    • Parks and Recreation Commission;
    • Other special-purpose advisory groups.

In the town of Mammoth Lakes, coordinate transportation planning activities with the following entities:

  • Town Council and its advisory commissions/committees; i.e.:
    • Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission;
    • Airport Advisory Committee
    • Parks and Recreation Commission;
    • Other special purpose advisory groups.
  • Local special districts, such as the Mammoth Community Water District, the Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District, and Southern Mono Healthcare District

Local special districts, such as the Mammoth Community Water District, the Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District, and Southern Mono Healthcare District

In the unincorporated area, coordinate transportation planning activities with the following entities:

  • Board of Supervisors and its advisory commissions/committees; i.e.:
    • Planning Commission
    • Regional Planning Advisory Committees
    • June Lake Citizens Advisory Committee
    • Tourism Commission
    • Local Chambers of Commerce
    • Other special-purpose advisory groups
  • Local special districts and regional agencies, such as the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District (GBUAPCD), the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB), and Caltrans District 9.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement on monthly basis or as needed.

Objective 17.A.2. Coordinate transportation planning activities through established forums, such as:

  • Mono County Collaborative Planning Team
  • Regional Planning Advisory Committee meetings.
  • Workshops on specific transportation-related topics (e.g., Livable Communities, pedestrian planning, bicycle planning).
  • Annual unmet transit needs hearing for transit issues
  • Annual LTC public hearing.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement as needed to address specific topics.

Objective 17.A.3.     Reach out to solicit input on transportation policies and programs from groups unrepresented or underrepresented in the past; e.g., Native American communities, Hispanic community members, and TOML Hispanic Advisory Committee.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; develop outreach programs as needed during the next two years.

Objective 17.A.4. Consult with local tribal governments on a regular basis to ensure that their transportation needs are addressed.

Time frame:  Ongoing annually or as needed over the 20-year time frame of this plan.

Policy 17.B.   Coordinate transportation planning outreach programs with Caltrans in a manner that provides for efficient use of agency staff and citizen participation.

Objective 17.B.1.     Group transportation-related items on commission/committee agendas quarterly when feasible. Provide Caltrans with descriptions of agenda items at least two weeks before the quarterly meetings.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement on quarterly basis or as needed.

Objective 17.B.2.     For commissions/committees that deal with state highway issues on a more frequent than quarterly basis, facilitate communication between Caltrans and the commissions/committees.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement as needed.

Objective 17.B.3.     Work with Caltrans to ensure consultation with local groups during the preparation of Project Study Reports and similar documents and to allow for public participation during the design phase. For locally initiated transportation planning projects on the State Highway System, coordinate with Caltrans to allow for public participation.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement as needed during the planning process.

Objective 17.B.4.     Coordinate with Caltrans to determine when transportation issues are of such broad community interest that informational meetings or hearings hosted by Caltrans would be the most beneficial way of gathering community input.

Time frame:  Ongoing over the 20-year time frame of this plan; implement as needed.


[12]Proposed scenic byways are primarily paved or all-weather maintained roads suitable for standard automobiles. Backcountry byways are not surfaced and usually require a four-wheel drive vehicle.